The time for touching shared public surfaces is over. Businesses are adapting their operations to improve cleanliness and minimize contact surfaces for their employees’ protection and peace of mind. Today’s sophisticated biometric facial recognition technology offers a compelling answer as touchless biometrics allow for strong, trustworthy, and convenient authentication at a safe distance.
StoneLock’s Whitepaper, “Entering the Age of Contactless, Convenient and Clean Biometric Access” unveils emerging contactless solutions that offer best-in-class security, privacy protection, and an easy and intuitive user interface. In addition to discovering the key to a contactless and clean facial recognition access control security system, the whitepaper unpacks:
- The threat of contagion
- Key concepts and prevalent use cases involving touchless biometric access control
- Know-how to protect your most valuable assets
- Technologies to ensure the health of employees, customers, and communities
- The answer to your privacy-enhancing security needs
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